Diversity Spotlight Thursday

Diversity Spotlight Thursday #3

Diversity Spotlight Thurday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Aimal from Bookshelves and Paperbacks. Every week, you come up with three book fitting three different categories: a diverse book you’ve read and enjoyed, a diverse book on your TBR, and a diverse book that has not been released yet.

Diversity Spotlight Thursday #3

Peter DarlingPeter Darling by Austin Chant

Ten years ago, Peter Pan left Neverland to grow up, leaving behind his adolescent dreams of boyhood and resigning himself to life as Wendy Darling. Growing up, however, has only made him realize how inescapable his identity as a man is.

But when he returns to Neverland, everything has changed: the Lost Boys have become men, and the war games they once played are now real and deadly. Even more shocking is the attraction Peter never knew he could feel for his old rival, Captain Hook—and the realization that he no longer knows which of them is the real villain.

I got an ARC of Peter Darling through Netgalley, and I really really enjoyed it. I loved the authors re-imagining of Neverland, and I loved how athmospheric the writing was. I also really enjoyed the characters (especially Hook), and the romantic relationship between Peter and Hook.

I really loved the ending of the book, and it made me fall in love with Peter and Hook even more. And I kind of want a book all about Ernest. Or Tink. It was excellent, and I can’t wait to read more of Austin Chant”s work.
Diversity Spotlight Thursday #3

The Unforgettables

The Unforgettables by GL Thomas

Back home in Chicago, Paul Hiroshima had it all.

Popularity, charming looks and a talent for the arts that made him admired by his peers. Moving to Portland, Maine the summer before his senior year was going to change all that. With his city life behind him, there was definitely no reason to make the best out of a bad situation—that is, until he meets the amazing Felicia Abelard.

Over a love of comic books and secret identities, Felicia becomes the sidekick to his hero; there’s just one problem: they weren’t supposed to fall in love.

As the season comes to an end, Paul and Felicia face in-depth challenges to preserve their summer formed bond. With the brink of the new school year at hand, this tale of best friends and first loves will make their year unforgettable.

I have to admit that I don’t know a lot about this one, and I don’t really want to. I don’t like to go into romance books already knowing the plotline. All I know is that a few of my Twitter/blogging friends liked it, and that it features an interracial romance. So, when I saw it in the kindle store for $3 I knew I had to get it. I’m really excited to get to it soon.
Diversity Spotlight Thursday #3
Queens of GeekQueens of Geek by Jen Wilde

When BFFs Charlie, Taylor and Jamie go to SupaCon, they know it’s going to be a blast. What they don’t expect is for it to change their lives forever.

Charlie likes to stand out. SupaCon is her chance to show fans she’s over her public breakup with co-star, Jason Ryan. When Alyssa Huntington arrives as a surprise guest, it seems Charlie’s long-time crush on her isn’t as one-sided as she thought.

While Charlie dodges questions about her personal life, Taylor starts asking questions about her own.

Taylor likes to blend in. Her brain is wired differently, making her fear change. And there’s one thing in her life she knows will never change: her friendship with Jamie—no matter how much she may secretly want it to. But when she hears about the Queen Firestone SupaFan Contest, she starts to rethink her rules on playing it safe.

Queens of Geek is releasing very very soon (the Tuesday after this post goes up!!) and I’m incredibly excited about it. I’ve seen nothing but glowing reviews for this one, and just the idea of a romance with something like comic con as a backdrop sounds amazing to me. I really can’t wait to pick this one up.

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12 gedachtes over “Diversity Spotlight Thursday

  1. Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks zegt:

    I don’t think I’ve heard a single bad thing about ANY of these books, but particularly PETER DARLING. I can’t wait to get my hands on that – it just sounds like such a fascinating spin on a traditionally problematic story, ya feel? I can’t wait to read QUEENS OF GEEK. T_T It sounds awesome!


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