SapphicAThon TBR

Hi everyone! I hope most of you have heard about SapphicAThon by now, but just in case you haven’t; SapphicAThon is a readathon hosted by Tasha, AmelieEliseJamieson, and Miriam that focuses on books featuring f/f relationships! It takes place from the 14th of December until the 28th of December. They also have a very pretty bingo sheet full of challenged that you can complete during the readathon if you want to. You can find the announcement post here.


I’ve been having such a hard time coming up with what books to read because I just have so so many f/f books I’m incredibly excited about, and I felt like I needed to do something very unlike me, which is making a realistic and do-able TBR of about 5 books. But then I saw Tasha and Jamieson’s TBRs and I thought: screw it. I’m just going to pick a book for every single challenge and we’ll see what I’ll actually get done! So, here’s my TBR:

Bisexual MC: Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
SF/F: The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer
<500 Ratings: Unicorn Tracks by Julia Ember
Jewish MC: The Second Mango by Shira Glassman

QWOC MC: Huntress by Malinda Lo
Ace Spec MC: Daybreak Rising by Kiran Oliver
Established Relationship: The Edge of the Abyss by Emily Skrutskie
Friends to Lovers F/F: Marian by Ella Lyons

Trans MC: Cinder Ella by S. T. Lynn
Non Coming Out Story: Echo After Echo by Emy Rose Capetta
Hate to Love F/F: Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis
Both WOC: Winterglass by Benjanun Sriduangkaew

Disabled MC: Far From You by Tess Sharpe
F/F Retelling: Ash by Malinda Lo
Interracial F/F Relationship: Not Your Sidekick by C. B. Lee
MC Realizes They’re Queer: The Love Song of Sawyer Bell by Avon Gale

There are only a few books that I’m for sure going to read: Winterglass, because it’s an ARC, The Love Song of Sawyer Bell, also because it’s an ARC (yes, I’m late, I know) and because my friend Min hyped it up so much that I can’t wait to read it, and The Edge of the Abyss, because I’m buddyreading it with Min. I also want to listen to an audiobook so either one of Malinda Lo’s books or Echo after Echo is also for sure going to be read.


I’m so incredibly excited about this readathon and looking at my TBR, I kind of want to start right this second. Those 2 weeks are going to be great, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to get through a lot of these books.

So, tell me; are you going to be participating in this readathon? If so, what books are you planning on reading? 

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3 gedachtes over “SapphicAThon TBR

  1. Taryn zegt:

    Great TBR!! I’ve read like 5 of these and enjoyed all of them so I hope you do too. I have ECHO AFTER ECHO coming in the mail next week so I’m keen to hear your thoughts on that one!


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